Saturday, June 18, 2011

Butterflies Pee too.

Yep, I'm back again and no, I literally have nothing else to do but continue writing on this blog. Today I watched 6 Monarch butterflies sun bathe in front of my house. They are funny, furry little creatures that are a little bit creepy when you see their face up close. Later, I got a ride into town and checked out the local farmers market. I have to admit, it pales in comparison to the Harrisonburg Farmers Market. There may have been ten vendors in total. But I met two young farmers who gave me free greens! I may have been playing the "I'm new in town and have no friends" card a little too much but hey, it's actually working. It is comforting to find folks with similar interests. Well, here are the pictures I promised! Hopefully, tomorrow I will head back into town to check out one of the many churches around here. Adios!

 Here is a picture from Lake Placid while on a serene evening stroll.
This is the road coming into ALPO. Imagine 8 dogs running at you the instant they see your car. 
 This is where a lot of my training happened and where I will meet before and after my time in the field.
 This is Jake. He is one of my favorite dogs.
And yes, there is even a garden in the back.

It's already taken me fifteen minutes to download these pictures so I'm gonna call it quites for now. But there shall be more up soon!

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