Saturday, January 14, 2012

LOX: the Saddest Story You May Ever Hear

In Philadelphia, all the homes are tightly packed together like sardines in a tin can and therefore our backyards (if it can even be called one) form tetris-like shapes as they meet. And whether we choose it or not, one gets a very personal perspective into the backyard life of the surrounding neighbors. Now, not a lot goes on in Philly backyards, mostly because they are tiny squares of concrete but there are the few who boldly buy patio furniture in hopes of utilizing this honestly useless space. We've decided to use our concrete block as a potted plant garden (currently in deep hibernation) and a small dining area complete with an old wooden table, a fire pit and even christmas lights. But there is something else very special about our backyard that has caused every resident in this home serious emotional discomfort. And his name is LOX.

LOX (as in "locks") is some kind of Boxer mutt probably around the age of 2 or 3 and is an avid jumper. He will eat anything, carries a loud bark, and smells pretty bad. And the only thing separating us from him is a ten foot long chain link fence held up by old bricks. And friends, I can honestly say he is one of the most pathetic things I have ever laid eyes upon. His already cramped space is filled with old wooden posts, rotting outdoor furniture and now that it is winter, ice. He sleeps in a corner where an old piece of tarp has fortunately fallen and if he is lucky, the sun will warm his back as he sleeps. Sometimes we throw over old sandwhiches or scraps of food and when I'm feeling really compassionate I try to scratch his smelly snout through the tiny holes of the fence. And when I do so he tries to lick me in a chaotic rampage and I know he is happy for the moment because his tail wags back and forth. And then I go in and watch him watch us through the three windows facing his side of the backyard (really? we only have 3 windows on either side of our house and they all have to face this poor creature??). We talk to him when we take the trash out and he vivaciously leaps back and forth barking at the foreignness of another living creature. And many days I'll come home and there he is, waiting on his side of the fence waiting to watch us pass one of the windows which I am assuming is his only form of entertainment. One time a leaf blew into his yard and he leapt on it with furious inspection and I imagine him thinking "And what issss this curious object? It is crunchy and smells like dirt. Where could it possibly have come from?" For there are no trees in LOX's box.

Last week, I decided to do something about it. I couldn't watch him suffer in the cold any longer. I had an old feather down comforter that I had put outside to dry months ago and forgot about, leaving it to the rain and dirt. So I boldly grabbed the large blanket, pulled a frozen bucket of water over to stand on, and tried to lay/throw the blanket into the small covered space he had in the corner. Surely this would keep him warm! But before the blanket had the chance to let gravity pull it into place LOX had it in his clamped jaws. Stupid dog, let go! Can't you see I'm trying to help you. I frantically whispered to him "Lox, stop it. Stop it. Let go." and as I attempted to pull the blanket into it's proper space through the chain link fence with two fingers I realized I would not win this battle. I watched before my eyes as my little friend ripped, teared and destroyed his only form of warmth outside of the sun. I ran back into the house, through the house, and outside to our next door neighbors door. There were feathers flying on the front street. Knock, knock, knock. "Hi. I think your dog has my blanket. Yeah, I threw it over... the fence... to dry... and LOX... yeahhhh. I'm Sorry!" She said it was no problem and we ended the awkward conversation there. I returned home and from the safety of the upstairs window I watched as LOX tore the material into tiny shreds, tiny little feathers floated through the surrounding backyards. I could hear the lady next door yelling at LOX "Bad Dog! Bad Dog!" He stops for a moment and stares at the window where the mystery voice is coming from, feathers plastered all over his face, his tongue licking up the feathers around his mouth.

And LOX is happy! He is literally in dog heaven as he forgets his current pain and does what he was created to do: ripp things apart. And I am laughing from the upstairs bathroom window and it is snowing feathers. And I keep thinking how I sure do hope dogs go to heaven because LOX will surely appreciate everything there more so because of his current enslavement. And we are like LOX, persevering in this dreary world, waiting for the Kingdom of God to make all perfect again. So don't fret my little canine friend, one day all will be well.

La Loba

This is LOX.

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